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Artigo: Study of a large-scale experiment to prove or disprove the alleged superior performance of ESE air terminals

Por José Claudio de Oliveira e Silva

Resumo: In this study, a large-scale, long-term experiment that can generate statistically significant data is considered for a definite proof or disproof that early streamer emission (ESE) air terminals work as advertised by their proponents. The idea is very simple, as it consists of a large site (or many spread small sites) where poles with and without ESE air terminals compete to intercept lightning. The interceptions are simulated by means of the electrogeometric model (EGM) with randomly generated lightning point of impact and intensity, to provide at least a perception of data behavior, stabilization and therefore an expectation of the necessary time for such experiment to result in an irrefutable evidence.

Título: Study of a large-scale experiment to prove or disprove the alleged superior performance of ESE air terminals

Autor: José Claudio de Oliveira e Silva

Afiliação: EMC Consultant (freelancer)

Título dos anais: International Conference on Grounding & Lightning Physics and Effects

(13.: 2023: Belo Horizonte)

Volume: -

Páginas: 130-135

Data: 2023

Organização: SB-RAI: Brazilian Society for Electrical Protection

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